5/12/2014 at 2pm or 7pm

2014-05-12 12:00:00

Working hard wasn’t working, till Raymond Aaron finally discovered...

In just one, info-packed three hour session...
Raymond Aaron will hand you the master keys to unlimited you’ll never have to worry about money again.

It is urgent that you read this personal letter from Raymond Aaron to you.

Get a FREE Hardcover copy of Raymond Aaron's Bestselling Book, Double Your Income Doing What You Love

...You will also have the chance to win an iPad Mini!


From: Raymond Aaron, 7:18am

Dear Friend,

Do you feel like you’re not being taken seriously? Are you seen as an authority figure or just another worker bee?
Wouldn’t it be great to get the credibility you deserve—and the respect that comes with it?

But that takes years, right?

You CAN get the respect, authority and credibility you’ve been hoping for a lot easier—and a lot faster—than you may think. 

And I’m going to share with you EXACTLY how you can turn your life around, and get more respect, more money and improve your quality of life…and how you can discover the ULTIMATE shortcut in THREE HOURS.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You’ve worked hard your whole life, you make a decent wage. Maybe you’ve come up with a few fortune-making ideas that you’ll follow-up one day, once you get the money ... but for now you'll settle for a dream ... resigned to continuing the grind...

  • You’ve got a job but you struggle to make ends meet ... you’ve taken a few courses in hopes that you can get a better job ... but somehow there doesn’t seem to be enough time ... And you’re restless and unhappy. You trudge through your day content that you’re feeding your kids .... and putting a little money away...At night it’s enough just to flake out in front of the tube...

What you must do right now is understand why trying to become rich using what you know is all but impossible. Here’s why: If you knew exactly how to get rich already, you would be rich now — Right?

Read on.

I can show you how to become UNBEATABLE.

And I can help you get the esteem, recognition, and attention you absolutely deserve.

When you come to my three hour seminar “Double Your Income Doing What You Love”, I’ll show you exactly how to achieve outrageous personal and financial success. But first I want to tell you how I stumbled upon this incredible secret that literally saved my life...

At the age of 39, I was $100,000 in debt and out-of-work. At the same time, my wife threw in the towel and left. I was totally lost.

Every day, I prayed for divine guidance. Then a friend of mine called and suggested that I meet with a very rich friend of his. When we met I felt it right away. There was something about this highly successful person that convinced me to listen to him and do everything he asked. Some of the things he asked me to do seemed absolutely crazy but I agreed to do them anyways. I mean, what did I have to lose?

One year later I was out of debt and my life was on-fire. Everything I ever wanted just started to show up...all because a friend of a friend took the time to share with me what I now know is the ultimate secret to effortless prosperity...

The enormous power of this secret has made me a millionaire several times over. I’m a member of the WHO’s WHO in Canada. I was filmed for the blockbuster hit video, The Secret! I’ve written eight books. I’m friends with the richest and most famous people on the planet. I take a one-week vacation every month. I take a one-month vacation every other year. You see, I now have everything I ever wanted.

And you can have it too!

For the past 31 years, I have been teaching this secret to people just like you so you can stop struggling, so you can finally get the money and success you deserve...

Let’s just say it’s my way of giving back...
My friend, it’s now your turn.

When you come to my seminar, “Double Your Income Doing What You Love” you’ll discover:

  • How you can double, triple, even quadruple your income doing what you love in less time than you think...

  • Blow past limitations and “roadblocks”
  • Discover the ultimate system for making big money NOW

    I’ve created a very special 3 hour event just for you to attend where you’ll discover the ultimate secrets to achieving lasting recognition—and all of the rewards that come with it.
  • How your friends can actually prevent you from getting rich

  • A powerful new way to get rid of the jobs you hate so you can have more time to do what you love

  • How doing one specific thing virtually guarantees you’ll get more money, and more free time to do what you want

Believe me, what you’ll take away in three hours will change your life for the better...forever. But don’t take my word for it. Listen to what other people who have attended my seminar have to say:

“When I started with Raymond’s guidance, I did not know what to expect. To my surprise, in less than 3 months we have already paid $35,000 off our debt. We are so happy and proud of our accomplishments. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Janan Thomas

“No matter what you want out of life, this will help you achieve it.” Mark McKoy, Olympic Track Gold Medalist

Here’s how to register...

This time only, I’ve agreed to admit a limited number of people for free. Registrations for “Double Your Income Doing What You Love” are ongoing and I must tell you that a limited number of free seats remain. (At the time of this mailing there are only 19 seats left.) At the moment, you can bring one friend if you like but I really don’t know how long I can keep this offer open...So register now!


Raymond Aaron

Date: Monday May 12, 2014
Time: 2pm or 7pm (Arrive 30 mins Early)
Location: Toronto Westin Prince Hotel
900 York Mills Rd, Toronto, ON M3B 3H2

Raymond Aaron

"...Raymond is going to make your best self a BETTER self..."

Mark Victor Hansen
Most Successful Nonfiction Author of All Time and Co-creator of "Chicken Soup for the Soul."

“Raymond's groundbreaking technology of goal-attainment is the first truly new material on this subject in many years. It is a unique approach that will skyrocket your ability to achieve your own goals.”

Dr. John Gray
Author of "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus."

"Dear Raymond, A little more than twenty-four hours ago I had never heard of you but as a result of today's first half of your brilliant seminar I feel my life has already changed in profound and wondrous ways. Your wisdom, insights and your ability to communicate those insights clearly and pointedly are truly extraordinary - unlike anyone I have ever encountered. There is so much to absorb from the pages of notes I took - "Branding" and effectively creating "wow" , etc. - that I can't single out any one idea above the others. I am anxiously looking forward to tomorrow and all that I will learn. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! All best wishes, Endre"

Endre Balogh
Los Angeles, CA
Concert Violinist and Photographer

"Dear Raymond, A little more than twenty-four hours ago I had never heard of you but as a result of today's first half of your brilliant seminar I feel my life has already changed in profound and wondrous ways. Your wisdom, insights and your ability to communicate those insights clearly and pointedly are truly extraordinary - unlike anyone I have ever encountered. There is so much to absorb from the pages of notes I took - "Branding" and effectively creating "wow" , etc. - that I can't single out any one idea above the others. I am anxiously looking forward to tomorrow and all that I will learn. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! All best wishes, Endre"

Endre Balogh
Los Angeles, CA
Concert Violinist and Photographer

"Thanks Raymond. I am halfway through a two-day seminar, and I understand the value of branding and how important it is to get it strong, and consistent. I can't wait to see what you have to teach tomorrow!"

Irving Federman
Granada Hills, CA

"Raymond Aaron has helped me clarify my brand and revamp the direction of my new book. He turned something that's general, bland and non specific like "Helping Your Body Help Itself" into a new and sexy book titled "Eating Your way Out of Pain". I thank you, my patients thank you and all the readers will thank you as well. Thank you Raymond Aaron!"

Steven Yen
Toronto Ontario
Chiropractor, Author

“He has literally helped me double my income while doing what I love, when I say double, it's like double, and then double again and then double again, and then double again...”

Jack Canfield
Co-creator of "Chicken Soup for the Soul."

"Thank you Raymond for changing my mindset to live a transformational life! Our last coaching session in Chicago was truly amazing! My biggest ah ha is that branding trumps product. I am now the Founder of APPEAR™ (The Association of Proud Parents Educating About Riches), Clearing the FOG™ (Financial Overwhelm Generation). Because fast implementation is key, I've also monetized our videos. Thanks to you I now have more participants in our MiniCamps. I look forward to my next transformational coaching experience. "

Melanie Jane Nicolas
Naperville, IL
Founder of Kids Wealth International Club

“The whole program is so well structured and so well put together to ensure that you absolutely create the life of your dreams...”

Marci Shimoff
Best Selling Author of "Happy For No Reason."

"...Raymond could take the best I had to offer the world and give me a model to touch the world to a greater degree and live more abundantly. Make more money and be happier at what I do..."

Fred Johnson
Acclaimed Jazz Musician and Performer.

Seats are extremly limited. Claim yours now!
When you attend you get a hard cover copy of Raymond's best selling book.

Contact & Registration


Double Your Income Live


Date & Time: Monday May 12 at 2pm or 7pm
(Please arrive 30 minutes early to register)

Location: Westin Prince Hotel Toronto
900 York Mills Rd, Toronto, ON M3B 3H2